2021 Community projects to address pandemic challenges
With support from the Office of Community Engagement, Stanford faculty are joining forces with community organizations to help remedy pandemic-related challenges.
OCE has selected several projects for seed funding to encourage collaborations created by faculty and community organizations. These projects, which fall in the areas of affordability/social services, arts, education, and health, continue to concentrate on reducing the impacts of COVID-19 affecting communities in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.

Bridging Technological Divide in Pandemic Resources for Marginalized Communities
Faculty: Temesgen Woldeyesus, clinical assistant professor, SOM
In Collaboration With: Roots Community Health Center (San Jose)
Description: To circumvent the digital divide and promote health equity, the project aims to build digital capacity and infrastructure within a trusted community partner, Roots Community Health Center, to technologically scale ongoing efforts to reduce widening racial disparities in Santa Clara County. They will deploy a 12-month pilot of a multilingual two-way text-messaging-based community engagement solution to build a trust-based community outreach and awareness campaign for COVID and vaccine-related education, support current vaccine-related operations, and integration of an existing COVID/Telehealth outreach program to support troubleshooting vaccine registration and assess technological gaps for marginalized community members.

Community health education workers known as promotoras de salud, go door to door in 2021. Image credit: Chelcey Adami
Co-Teaching Mentorship with Sunnyvale School District – Supplemental Teaching & Learning Experience for STEP Graduates
Faculty: Ira Lit, associate professor (teaching) of education, Graduate School of Education
In Collaboration With: Sunnyvale School District
Description: The Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) is collaborating with the Sunnyvale School District on a summer school program to provide in-person recovery learning and extra support to K-8 Sunnyvale students. In addition, the summer school program will offer an opportunity for an in-person supplemental teaching and learning experience for recent STEP graduates, who spent most or all of this year teaching in an online classroom context. These summer opportunities will be of great benefit to district students and families, as well as to the STEP graduates, many of whom will go on to teaching positions in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties.
Contacts: Ruth Ann Costanzo and Nancy Lobell

Emerging Creative Practices: Teacher Training and Curriculum Development for Youth Arts Education
Faculty: Adam Banks, professor of education, Graduate School of Education; faculty director, Institute for Diversity in the Arts
In Collaboration With: EPACENTER
Description: Through student-to-student residencies, internships and contributions to teacher training, the Institute for Diversity in Arts will connect East Palo Alto youth to emerging creative practices and tools. The project will expand the range of skills that EPA youth learn; prepare EPA youth to work with and make productive connections to industry leaders through EPACENTER’s workforce development programs, apprenticeships and internships; and further a workforce of highly skilled, creative and technologically savvy East Palo Alto residents.
Contact: Gina Hernandez

Pilot Interventions to Reduce Pretrial Incarceration
In Collaboration With: Santa Clara County Public Defender Office
Faculty: Sharad Goel, assistant professor of management science and engineering, School of Engineering
Description: To reduce pretrial incarceration and help individuals get to court, Goel is working with the Santa Clara County Public Defender Office to automate text message reminders and arrange transportation assistance to the court. With increased appearance rates fueled by their intervention, they expect a reduction in incarceration that can stem from missed court dates, directly improving the lives of the most vulnerable community members.